Saint Davids Replacement Window Contractor
Your home should be a place of comfort where you are safe from outside elements such as the weather, noise or insects and bugs, and this is one of the reasons why you need replacement windows. If you live in an old home, one inherited from your family or just with an old world charm, then chances are that your old wooden windows are letting cold or warm air in through the cracks and making your air conditioning system less effective. While you do not want to change the look of the house, you may want a more modern solution to your problem
If you have old wooden windows, then a common problem you might face is the wood warping due to the season. As a result, you may have to get the wood planed once a year to be able to shut the windows tight. The polish wears out in a few years and in addition, the bolts and hooks wear out after a few years and need constant repair and maintenance. Today's Saint Davids replacement windows are made from materials that are weather proof and require very little maintenance, if any. Some companies offer 100% vinyl windows with fusion welded corners and reinforced aluminum sashes that require zero maintenance.
Call Windows Plus for your next window replacement project today!